Sunday, July 4, 2010

Week #12


During Monday (28/6/2010);
I planned to make some adjustment to my assignment project; particularly about “the Standard of procedure (SOP) for Maintenance OLTC work”. I wanted to add some useful information and cases related to title before/mid/after writing the standard of procedure. In fact, the title (OLTC) was huge and the SOP had to be described in short steps with using simple language. Therefore; I’d made those ideas. I hoped that it was fine ^^;

During Wednesday (28/6/2010); I was being notified that this Friday (2/7/2010) shall be no meeting for the trainees’ student. It was postponed to the next Friday (9/7/2010). The meeting was aiming to congratulate the trainees’ student for their completion of the industrial training and they shall be given acknowledgment and certification for that.

During Thursday (1/7/2010); I finally finalized everything in my industrial Training logbook and I checked about the last written information. What I needed only was; to meet my host supervisor and get approval for my logbook. I’d also made my draft about “the Standard of procedure (SOP) for Vanguard Tripping Tool”. This part was only to write how to use the DIGITMR step by step to perform the Tripping work and analyze the circuit breaker. My draft was about to give some safety guideness about the device. Then, prepare some documentation related to the electrical station to upload the station data into the DIGITMR device. After that; begin function the device and obtain the result interpretation.

In addition, I met my host supervisor and I discussed with him about an appointment that he could check the last part of my industrial Training logbook and got approval and signature for that. My host supervisor suggested me to see him during Friday (2/7/2010) at 10:00am.

During Friday (2&9/7/2010); this day was my final day for training in TNBD PjCj. There was ceremony for giving the trainee student a Certificate for Completion Their Training for three month. I was very happy for my achievement and I was glad to have my last breakfast together with TNBD staffs at morning.

During 10:00am, I’ve met my mentor for my logbook and he started what he left off to check the logbook. I finally got approved for my IT logbook and I thanked him for his recommendation and help. I wish I could meet him one day again. (^o^)

In confession; I ,indeed, thank TNBD PjCj for everything and I’m going to miss them all time and won’t forget their help. It was really honor to do training with TNBD in Putrajaya and it was really fun and interesting. GOOD BYE (*^o^*)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Week #11

With this week, I probably might tell you that I had just a Two Week left for my industrial training. It sounded sad & happy; sad :-( because I was going to miss all my trainees’ friends and all TNBD staffs. I was really having a wonderful time with them and I, in fact, enjoyed my training with them. It was one of my greatest memories then. It was happy :-)) because I finally managed a nice place to do my practical in different world with different people. I think this thing was one of my great achievements in my life. I would also complete my industrial training without any difficulties.

Here came week #11 with GIS activities again. SLD (Single Line Diagram) is a circuit diagram for each substation. It uses symbols, rather than labeled blocks. The purpose of a single-line diagram is to give a simplified presentation of the electrical installation on paper. In TNBD, they draw the single line diagram on AutoCAD software which it was explained about last week (Week #10).

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During Monday (21/6/2010); I consulted about the final part of my assignment project! This part was for Vanguard for Malt-ripping work. This art was totally new to me since I’d got no information about it at all. For this reason, I’d met Mr. Wahidin B. Baharom (Senior Technician). He explained to me and provided to me the suitable information. In addition, I met also my executive assignment project to discuss about Vanguard titles, as well. He extra-explained it further and provided me a memorandum about it. My goal was to understand and read further about that title in general before making the Standard of procedure. In your information, I still got my Air-conditioner & OLTC standard of procedure in progress which needs both (writing & typing) by computer. Hope that I would do it on time!

During Wednesday (23/6/2010); with the help of the internet, I finally end typing up on computer the assignment project “the Standard of procedure (SOP) for Maintenance work of Air-conditioner” part (*^o^*). I was doing the same style like the CO2 procedure. As a revision, my draft was to map out all necessary steps in the procedure with designing the suggested template pattern. Then, I typed the first page including a short introduction giving an overview of the entire job.

 Introduction.
 Objective.
 Overview of the Procedure.

As I mentioned earlier that I wanted the reader to understand about the titles written as well as it was written in simple and brief. After that; I needed to download and customized some photos with clarifications for the purpose of naming some component in the photo and arrow the function of component. In the last part, I finally managed to finish the whole work without any troubles. I just needed to check and confirm about it and get approval for that. Hope everything going as I expected! (^^;)

During Friday (25/6/2010); after a two months passed, here we were with Aerobic program, once again. It was on Morning. The HR, Staff and all trainees got involved. The agenda was all about to contribute in some exercise to assist the contributor being in good physical shape as well as to perform some company activity. This activity was really wonderful (`^o^`) and exciting since you could see that the happiness :)) on face of all staffs and they were also having fun together and enjoying their time for some changes.

I’d also met Mr. Wahidin B. Baharom (Senior Technician) to discuss about the Vanguard for Malt-ripping tool. This time he showed me DIGITMR devices. It was used for the Digital Circuit Breaker Analyzer. This devices was as if Vanguard instrument. In addition, he explained to me when/ where they used it. So that, I could add some information about in my assignment project report!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Week #10

Here was the week #10 with the surprises of GIS activity. I had not forgotten revealing to my audiences about GIS activity. Geography Information System (GIS) is aiming to improve the electricity system distribution and develop the management of electricity. GIS contains a several activities; drawing (AutoCAD software by PC), SLD (Single Line Diagram) and Technical Rating Field. AutoCAD is a Computer Aided Design or Computer Aided Drafting (which often known by CAD) software application for 2D and 3D design and drafting. It considers in designing shapes. Each shapes/symbols are indicating to particular electrical station. it's actually up to TNBD designer. Here is a sample of AutoCAD schematic by TNBD

With Auto CAD software, we could use computer only to update the drawing of the substation. TNBD had been designed main electricity distribution areas before.

However; those days;

• There were a lot of developments happened.
• Some areas had been built/ renewed.
• There were some places needs a new substations and completion electricity distribution system.

Therefore; TNBD could use the schematic in order to update the new connection for the electricity.

Furthermore to that, this week was my semi-project work. I had finally accomplished some parts of Standard of Procedure for Maintenance Work. Even thought I was really stressful and busy mined nevertheless I had finally managed to achieve half of it. However; I had to confirm about the written procedure since my practical was coming into the end. In addition; I needed to proceed with my Industrial Training Project, because TNBD requested it before leaving!

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During Monday (14/6/2010); there was a sudden meeting done by maintenance engineer. This meeting conducted to check about all equipment/ tool that related to their work; particularly about the protection tool because it was essential for the maintenance work. The maintenance engineer requested to check what they had at first. Then, they needed to record any missing equipment. After that; they requested for a new tool s. At the end; the trainees had to register the data of tool by computer. In addition; I had consulted about some general information about the Power Factor.

As a revision, Apparent Power is a summion of Real Power and reactive Power;

S = P + Q
= KW + Kvar

In your information; TNBD sat the power factor to;

PF= cosα = 0.85 ; where α (angle) is around 31.78 (Degree).

Note that:-
• Increasing the angle cause more losses & Kvar increases. [Therefore; we need to install a capacitor bank for power factor correction].
• Decreasing the angle cause more losses & Kvar decreases.

 Perfect Power factor happens when;

PF= cosα = 1 ; where α (angle) is around 0 (Degree).


 No losses
 100% efficiency!

Here is a summarize photo indicating about the PF:-

During Tuesday (15/6/2010); after along research and reading a few guidelines about the Carbon Dioxide (CO2), at last I begun typing on computer the assignment project “the Standard of procedure (SOP) for Maintenance work of CO2” part. I was preparing my first draft. My first draft was to map out all necessary steps in the procedure with designing the suggested template pattern. Then, I typed the first page including a short introduction giving an overview of the entire job.

 Introduction.
 Objective.
 Overview of the Procedure.

The objective of making the above aspects first is; to give the reader a clear picture about the titles written before getting to the main point (The procedure of the work). Those aspects were written in simple and brief.

During Wednesdays (16/6/2010); Once again I proceeded typing on computer the assignment project “the Standard of procedure (SOP) for Maintenance work of CO2” part. This day was for the second draft. It was about

• Determine if any large steps can be broken down into smaller steps.
• Select an appropriate photos match with the action.

Besides; I modified for some pictures with clarifications for example; naming some component in the photo and arrow the function of component because the written procedure shouldn’t be long & complicated and hard to understand. As a matter of fact; I found some difficulties to simplify the procedure as much as possible, nevertheless I managed to finish the whole first part without any problems. Praised Allah (*^_^*).

During Thursday (17/6/2010); on morning; I met my executive assignment project about the first thing I had done. In fact, I wanted to know that whether my first move was right or not. He had checked my work out and he was impressived :-)) by the report style and suggested me to check with the technician whether it needed some extra-modification or not. More importantly; I could move to the next part of my assignment project with no worries.
On afternoon; I had finally met my host supervisor about my Industrial Training Logbook. He checked it out and made some comment about it. I’d been asked some questions about some written information as if Open Discussion. This time the meeting didn’t include checking the whole things. He suggested me to meet him other time with other day to proceed with the checking. Thanks Allah – I finally managed to get approval for some part of my logbook (/‘^o^’\).

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Week #9

This week was the opening of the last activity in my whole industrial training. The activity was called by Geography Information System (GIS). It seemed a little bit weird owing to one-month duration :-o. I guessed that you probably might wonder why it was longer than other activity. As a matter of fact, this activity was separated into several activities, therefore I was not currently going to expose to you about all activities since it was still mysterious then. Therefore; if you truly would know what this activity was really about, Find Out Next Three Weeks Later (*^o^*).

Week #9 was as if a study week. I was planning to search continuing about my assignment project title. My assignment project was neither about a Circuit Design nor Drawing Single Line Diagram, but it was about reading further for Maintenance Work. I n particular, I necessarily needed to read more about On Load Tap Changer (OLTC) where it existed on Transformer, so that I could write about Standard of Procedure (SOP). I had also managed to pay a visit to Main substation PPU for taking picture although.

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During Monday (7/6/2010); I was having an appointment with En. Mohd Hazrin Bin Mohd Mokhtar (Assistant Engineer) regarding to my project /*^o^*\. This appointment conducted to visit Main substation for assignment project purposes. The assignment project part was about Standard of Procedure (SOP) for maintenance work Air-Conditioner. Furthermore to that, I had finally been to Main substation PMU for 132KV/33KV/11KV in Purtajaya & Cyberjaya. The visit was with GM, Engineers, Executive and some technicians. The place was really massive building and you could also observe the transmission line & massive transformers. It was my first time to visit PMU since two-months ago practicing my Industrial Training. The visit conducted to check about the statue of each room including the components within such as witchgears, Cables and Fires Extinguishing. Furthermore, the visit considered more about the Control Room since it was the main core of checking out. As a reminder, the control contained Relay Protection Devices, Metering and Control Unit.

During Wednesday (9/6/2010); I worked out searching about SOP of maintenance work for On Load Tap Changer (OLTC) through internet since it was the third part of my assignment project. I also read further about the OLTC title so as to understand more about OLTC before I begun writing. Even though the titles seemed difficult to understand by reading nevertheless I would try my all best to achieve this assignment project.

In addition; I had talked with my host supervisor about appointment that we should discuss about My Industrial Training Log Book because it had been a while since he last checked it out. Therefore; he suggested meeting him during next week.

During Thursday (10/6/2010); I finally began to prepare my report since TNBD requested me to hand the report over before I left. Due to three weeks left for me, I had to get it done as soon as possible. In addition, I had discussed and consulted my executive about some clarifications of my assignment project; particularly about OLTC. En. Mohd Hazrin gave me guide book about the titles and he’d suggested me a template pattern for my assignment project. He made it easier for me. (‘^o^’)Thanks Allah… I hope I can fulfill the assignment on time.

During Friday (11/6/2010); it was a general meeting as usual. The meeting conducted to remind the staff for keeping job well and it was reminded that the estimation & calculation for any project had to be keeping according the field place as usual. The staffs also had been compliment and impressed by chief engineer.(*^o^*) Besides, The GM had audited some engineers and technician for particular job. By the way; I’d almost forgotten that there was a happy occasion. There was an announcement promotion to some engineers and staffs. It was really great news to hear that somebody had finally been moved to next level with next honor.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Week #8

After two-month period of my Industrial Training, I realized that I had to start over to check out about my little achievement although it was a short period. As you all knew that the internship period is three-months and I needed to submit report for my internship.

This week was not stressful week. it was just an office week and I thought of calling my visiting supervisor and discussing with her about the company visit. My visiting supervisor was Madam Yanti Erana Binti Jalil. Fortunately; I had luckily been called by My Visiting Supervisor Madam Yanti and she asked me about one appointment with my host supervisor. At last, we’d finally managed to make appointment for the Company visit. Praise Allah! (*^o^*)

Regarding to my Planning Activity Assignment, I’d finally managed to figure out about the information /^_^\.

1) The Cable Rating & Size (Area, Current Rating & Standard Fuse Rating).

2) Transformer Size (capacity KVA).

• 300 KVA
• 500 KVA
• 750 KVA
• 1000 KVA

3) Ring Main Unit (RMU) Types
• 2S + 1F (2 Switch, 1 Feeder > Transformer).
• 2S + 2F (2 Switch, 2 Feeder > Transformer).
• 3S (3 Switch)
• 3S + 1F (3 Switch, 1 Feeder > Transformer).

4) Feeder Pillar Size (Rating)[Rating Amp/ Main Bar].

• 400 A
• 800 A
• 1600 A

Note that: all the information given is for Low Voltage (LV).

As a result; I met my Planning Instructor En. Pn. Hasliana Binti Mohd (Electrical Engineer) in order to check out and seek for some clarification about electrical knowledge /^o^\.

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During Monday (31/5/2010); I began my week with searching information about one part of my assignment project. The part of assignment project was standard of procedure (SOP) for maintenance work to Carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a Fire Extinguishing System which is a non-flammable, non-damaging electrically and non conductive gas. Therefore, I went to Electrical Station with technician to check first about how the CO2 protection is being installed and organized inside the Electrical Station. Then, I asked about the maintenance standard procedure of CO2. The procedure was not really complicated. It just needed to carry the data-sheet maintaining and test out the component of CO2 Fire Extinguishing System.

During Wednesday (2/6/2010); I had attended to ceremony competition in ILSAS in my Unversiti Tenaga Nasional in Kajang. This ceremony called by Sport Technical Event done by Tenaga Nasional Berhad. This event was for TNB staff from different sectors such as Putrajaya, Subang Jaya, Klang, Bandar Baru Bangi, Shah Alam … ect. This program objectify to train and reveal the different level technical abilities among TNB worker during practical work. This program was really amazing since you could observe that a lot of various stylish in installing meter, jointing cable, install overhead cable, fire extinguishing and so on. Every sector was hardly attempting to prove their method among other sector.

During Thursday (3/6/2010); it was one of the major days in my entire life. This day was especially for my visiting supervisor to the TNB Company. As a reminder, my visiting supervisor was Madam Yanti Erana Binti Jalil and my mentor was En.Lokman Bin Yusoff (Chief Engineer). At first, the visiting conducted to see and consulate my mentor about my industrial Logbook and me in person. Then, my visiting supervisor asked me some general questions and remained me about some issues such as my industrial training logbook, weblog, report and oral presentation day’s submission. My visiting supervisor seemed very pleased (^o^) by the visit and I was really glad for that. In a confession; I was feeling a little bit under pressure (^^;) but thank Allah, everything was just fine (*^o^*)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Week #7

As they always say Plan thing before You Do. Planning is an assessment procedure that minimizes the unexpected consequences. In my opinion; planning is the premium step before initiating anything, however planning without having a prior knowledge is a disastrous since it possibly may cause serious consequences. Fortunately; I’d luckily have experienced some activities such as construction, maintenance and so on, and I’d finally understood how the working duty for each activity. Therefore, here comes the Planning Activity.

Whilst you can observe the above picture, it indicates that planning procedures proceeds after the Supply Application. The supply application activity was already done during the previous weeks with the customer & Services Activity. The main point was the diagram above declaresd to you about the TNBD methodical progression work procedures.


During Monday (24/5/2010); there was a Morning casual safety talk. This talk was to remain the TNB staffs about the essential of the Safety during outside work as usual. As I had noticed that “Repeating The Safety Talk monthly is extremely important at least once, since we are all humans and we need to be caution all time; especially for electrical technicians”. Any mistakes most likely may cause serious cost. In my point of view; this monthly talk is absolutely great idea showing that Staffs Careness :-o.

During Tuesday (25/5/2010); after a long period consultation, I’d finally settled mind about one project (*^o^*). This project is under supervision En. Mohd Hazrin Bin Mohd Mokhtar (Assistant Engineer). The project title is Standard of Procedure (SOP) for Maintenance Work. This project objectifies to facilitate the preparation of the reports. En. Mohd Hazrin had discussed with me about the titles and begun with organizing some current appointments in order to visit some substation once again and begun to collect some information which would be helpful and suitable in the title. I wish that I would fulfill on time! (^^:)

During Thursday (25/5/2010); It’s was busy day for the company. It was a seminar talk for the contractors done by TNBD staffs. This seminar was about the work achievements discussion and rewarding some contractor. Furthermore; there was also a happy occasion (^o^) in Mines since there was a bowling game between TNBD and contractors after the speech seminar organized by TNBD.

In the whole general; weeks 7# was a totally different weeks than previous, it was about my Planning activity. This activity doesn’t have much visiting for site. It concentrates about technical paperwork, costing paperwork and costing benefit analysis. In the end, I was assigned to figure out:

1) The cable Rating & Size (Area, Current Rating & Standard Fuse Rating)
2) Transformer Size (capacity KVA).
3) Ring Main Unit (RMU) Types.
4) Feeder Pillar Size (Rating).