Sunday, June 20, 2010

Week #10

Here was the week #10 with the surprises of GIS activity. I had not forgotten revealing to my audiences about GIS activity. Geography Information System (GIS) is aiming to improve the electricity system distribution and develop the management of electricity. GIS contains a several activities; drawing (AutoCAD software by PC), SLD (Single Line Diagram) and Technical Rating Field. AutoCAD is a Computer Aided Design or Computer Aided Drafting (which often known by CAD) software application for 2D and 3D design and drafting. It considers in designing shapes. Each shapes/symbols are indicating to particular electrical station. it's actually up to TNBD designer. Here is a sample of AutoCAD schematic by TNBD

With Auto CAD software, we could use computer only to update the drawing of the substation. TNBD had been designed main electricity distribution areas before.

However; those days;

• There were a lot of developments happened.
• Some areas had been built/ renewed.
• There were some places needs a new substations and completion electricity distribution system.

Therefore; TNBD could use the schematic in order to update the new connection for the electricity.

Furthermore to that, this week was my semi-project work. I had finally accomplished some parts of Standard of Procedure for Maintenance Work. Even thought I was really stressful and busy mined nevertheless I had finally managed to achieve half of it. However; I had to confirm about the written procedure since my practical was coming into the end. In addition; I needed to proceed with my Industrial Training Project, because TNBD requested it before leaving!

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During Monday (14/6/2010); there was a sudden meeting done by maintenance engineer. This meeting conducted to check about all equipment/ tool that related to their work; particularly about the protection tool because it was essential for the maintenance work. The maintenance engineer requested to check what they had at first. Then, they needed to record any missing equipment. After that; they requested for a new tool s. At the end; the trainees had to register the data of tool by computer. In addition; I had consulted about some general information about the Power Factor.

As a revision, Apparent Power is a summion of Real Power and reactive Power;

S = P + Q
= KW + Kvar

In your information; TNBD sat the power factor to;

PF= cosα = 0.85 ; where α (angle) is around 31.78 (Degree).

Note that:-
• Increasing the angle cause more losses & Kvar increases. [Therefore; we need to install a capacitor bank for power factor correction].
• Decreasing the angle cause more losses & Kvar decreases.

 Perfect Power factor happens when;

PF= cosα = 1 ; where α (angle) is around 0 (Degree).


 No losses
 100% efficiency!

Here is a summarize photo indicating about the PF:-

During Tuesday (15/6/2010); after along research and reading a few guidelines about the Carbon Dioxide (CO2), at last I begun typing on computer the assignment project “the Standard of procedure (SOP) for Maintenance work of CO2” part. I was preparing my first draft. My first draft was to map out all necessary steps in the procedure with designing the suggested template pattern. Then, I typed the first page including a short introduction giving an overview of the entire job.

 Introduction.
 Objective.
 Overview of the Procedure.

The objective of making the above aspects first is; to give the reader a clear picture about the titles written before getting to the main point (The procedure of the work). Those aspects were written in simple and brief.

During Wednesdays (16/6/2010); Once again I proceeded typing on computer the assignment project “the Standard of procedure (SOP) for Maintenance work of CO2” part. This day was for the second draft. It was about

• Determine if any large steps can be broken down into smaller steps.
• Select an appropriate photos match with the action.

Besides; I modified for some pictures with clarifications for example; naming some component in the photo and arrow the function of component because the written procedure shouldn’t be long & complicated and hard to understand. As a matter of fact; I found some difficulties to simplify the procedure as much as possible, nevertheless I managed to finish the whole first part without any problems. Praised Allah (*^_^*).

During Thursday (17/6/2010); on morning; I met my executive assignment project about the first thing I had done. In fact, I wanted to know that whether my first move was right or not. He had checked my work out and he was impressived :-)) by the report style and suggested me to check with the technician whether it needed some extra-modification or not. More importantly; I could move to the next part of my assignment project with no worries.
On afternoon; I had finally met my host supervisor about my Industrial Training Logbook. He checked it out and made some comment about it. I’d been asked some questions about some written information as if Open Discussion. This time the meeting didn’t include checking the whole things. He suggested me to meet him other time with other day to proceed with the checking. Thanks Allah – I finally managed to get approval for some part of my logbook (/‘^o^’\).

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