Sunday, June 13, 2010

Week #9

This week was the opening of the last activity in my whole industrial training. The activity was called by Geography Information System (GIS). It seemed a little bit weird owing to one-month duration :-o. I guessed that you probably might wonder why it was longer than other activity. As a matter of fact, this activity was separated into several activities, therefore I was not currently going to expose to you about all activities since it was still mysterious then. Therefore; if you truly would know what this activity was really about, Find Out Next Three Weeks Later (*^o^*).

Week #9 was as if a study week. I was planning to search continuing about my assignment project title. My assignment project was neither about a Circuit Design nor Drawing Single Line Diagram, but it was about reading further for Maintenance Work. I n particular, I necessarily needed to read more about On Load Tap Changer (OLTC) where it existed on Transformer, so that I could write about Standard of Procedure (SOP). I had also managed to pay a visit to Main substation PPU for taking picture although.

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During Monday (7/6/2010); I was having an appointment with En. Mohd Hazrin Bin Mohd Mokhtar (Assistant Engineer) regarding to my project /*^o^*\. This appointment conducted to visit Main substation for assignment project purposes. The assignment project part was about Standard of Procedure (SOP) for maintenance work Air-Conditioner. Furthermore to that, I had finally been to Main substation PMU for 132KV/33KV/11KV in Purtajaya & Cyberjaya. The visit was with GM, Engineers, Executive and some technicians. The place was really massive building and you could also observe the transmission line & massive transformers. It was my first time to visit PMU since two-months ago practicing my Industrial Training. The visit conducted to check about the statue of each room including the components within such as witchgears, Cables and Fires Extinguishing. Furthermore, the visit considered more about the Control Room since it was the main core of checking out. As a reminder, the control contained Relay Protection Devices, Metering and Control Unit.

During Wednesday (9/6/2010); I worked out searching about SOP of maintenance work for On Load Tap Changer (OLTC) through internet since it was the third part of my assignment project. I also read further about the OLTC title so as to understand more about OLTC before I begun writing. Even though the titles seemed difficult to understand by reading nevertheless I would try my all best to achieve this assignment project.

In addition; I had talked with my host supervisor about appointment that we should discuss about My Industrial Training Log Book because it had been a while since he last checked it out. Therefore; he suggested meeting him during next week.

During Thursday (10/6/2010); I finally began to prepare my report since TNBD requested me to hand the report over before I left. Due to three weeks left for me, I had to get it done as soon as possible. In addition, I had discussed and consulted my executive about some clarifications of my assignment project; particularly about OLTC. En. Mohd Hazrin gave me guide book about the titles and he’d suggested me a template pattern for my assignment project. He made it easier for me. (‘^o^’)Thanks Allah… I hope I can fulfill the assignment on time.

During Friday (11/6/2010); it was a general meeting as usual. The meeting conducted to remind the staff for keeping job well and it was reminded that the estimation & calculation for any project had to be keeping according the field place as usual. The staffs also had been compliment and impressed by chief engineer.(*^o^*) Besides, The GM had audited some engineers and technician for particular job. By the way; I’d almost forgotten that there was a happy occasion. There was an announcement promotion to some engineers and staffs. It was really great news to hear that somebody had finally been moved to next level with next honor.

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