Sunday, June 27, 2010

Week #11

With this week, I probably might tell you that I had just a Two Week left for my industrial training. It sounded sad & happy; sad :-( because I was going to miss all my trainees’ friends and all TNBD staffs. I was really having a wonderful time with them and I, in fact, enjoyed my training with them. It was one of my greatest memories then. It was happy :-)) because I finally managed a nice place to do my practical in different world with different people. I think this thing was one of my great achievements in my life. I would also complete my industrial training without any difficulties.

Here came week #11 with GIS activities again. SLD (Single Line Diagram) is a circuit diagram for each substation. It uses symbols, rather than labeled blocks. The purpose of a single-line diagram is to give a simplified presentation of the electrical installation on paper. In TNBD, they draw the single line diagram on AutoCAD software which it was explained about last week (Week #10).

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During Monday (21/6/2010); I consulted about the final part of my assignment project! This part was for Vanguard for Malt-ripping work. This art was totally new to me since I’d got no information about it at all. For this reason, I’d met Mr. Wahidin B. Baharom (Senior Technician). He explained to me and provided to me the suitable information. In addition, I met also my executive assignment project to discuss about Vanguard titles, as well. He extra-explained it further and provided me a memorandum about it. My goal was to understand and read further about that title in general before making the Standard of procedure. In your information, I still got my Air-conditioner & OLTC standard of procedure in progress which needs both (writing & typing) by computer. Hope that I would do it on time!

During Wednesday (23/6/2010); with the help of the internet, I finally end typing up on computer the assignment project “the Standard of procedure (SOP) for Maintenance work of Air-conditioner” part (*^o^*). I was doing the same style like the CO2 procedure. As a revision, my draft was to map out all necessary steps in the procedure with designing the suggested template pattern. Then, I typed the first page including a short introduction giving an overview of the entire job.

 Introduction.
 Objective.
 Overview of the Procedure.

As I mentioned earlier that I wanted the reader to understand about the titles written as well as it was written in simple and brief. After that; I needed to download and customized some photos with clarifications for the purpose of naming some component in the photo and arrow the function of component. In the last part, I finally managed to finish the whole work without any troubles. I just needed to check and confirm about it and get approval for that. Hope everything going as I expected! (^^;)

During Friday (25/6/2010); after a two months passed, here we were with Aerobic program, once again. It was on Morning. The HR, Staff and all trainees got involved. The agenda was all about to contribute in some exercise to assist the contributor being in good physical shape as well as to perform some company activity. This activity was really wonderful (`^o^`) and exciting since you could see that the happiness :)) on face of all staffs and they were also having fun together and enjoying their time for some changes.

I’d also met Mr. Wahidin B. Baharom (Senior Technician) to discuss about the Vanguard for Malt-ripping tool. This time he showed me DIGITMR devices. It was used for the Digital Circuit Breaker Analyzer. This devices was as if Vanguard instrument. In addition, he explained to me when/ where they used it. So that, I could add some information about in my assignment project report!

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