Sunday, July 4, 2010

Week #12


During Monday (28/6/2010);
I planned to make some adjustment to my assignment project; particularly about “the Standard of procedure (SOP) for Maintenance OLTC work”. I wanted to add some useful information and cases related to title before/mid/after writing the standard of procedure. In fact, the title (OLTC) was huge and the SOP had to be described in short steps with using simple language. Therefore; I’d made those ideas. I hoped that it was fine ^^;

During Wednesday (28/6/2010); I was being notified that this Friday (2/7/2010) shall be no meeting for the trainees’ student. It was postponed to the next Friday (9/7/2010). The meeting was aiming to congratulate the trainees’ student for their completion of the industrial training and they shall be given acknowledgment and certification for that.

During Thursday (1/7/2010); I finally finalized everything in my industrial Training logbook and I checked about the last written information. What I needed only was; to meet my host supervisor and get approval for my logbook. I’d also made my draft about “the Standard of procedure (SOP) for Vanguard Tripping Tool”. This part was only to write how to use the DIGITMR step by step to perform the Tripping work and analyze the circuit breaker. My draft was about to give some safety guideness about the device. Then, prepare some documentation related to the electrical station to upload the station data into the DIGITMR device. After that; begin function the device and obtain the result interpretation.

In addition, I met my host supervisor and I discussed with him about an appointment that he could check the last part of my industrial Training logbook and got approval and signature for that. My host supervisor suggested me to see him during Friday (2/7/2010) at 10:00am.

During Friday (2&9/7/2010); this day was my final day for training in TNBD PjCj. There was ceremony for giving the trainee student a Certificate for Completion Their Training for three month. I was very happy for my achievement and I was glad to have my last breakfast together with TNBD staffs at morning.

During 10:00am, I’ve met my mentor for my logbook and he started what he left off to check the logbook. I finally got approved for my IT logbook and I thanked him for his recommendation and help. I wish I could meet him one day again. (^o^)

In confession; I ,indeed, thank TNBD PjCj for everything and I’m going to miss them all time and won’t forget their help. It was really honor to do training with TNBD in Putrajaya and it was really fun and interesting. GOOD BYE (*^o^*)

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