Sunday, May 30, 2010

Week #7

As they always say Plan thing before You Do. Planning is an assessment procedure that minimizes the unexpected consequences. In my opinion; planning is the premium step before initiating anything, however planning without having a prior knowledge is a disastrous since it possibly may cause serious consequences. Fortunately; I’d luckily have experienced some activities such as construction, maintenance and so on, and I’d finally understood how the working duty for each activity. Therefore, here comes the Planning Activity.

Whilst you can observe the above picture, it indicates that planning procedures proceeds after the Supply Application. The supply application activity was already done during the previous weeks with the customer & Services Activity. The main point was the diagram above declaresd to you about the TNBD methodical progression work procedures.


During Monday (24/5/2010); there was a Morning casual safety talk. This talk was to remain the TNB staffs about the essential of the Safety during outside work as usual. As I had noticed that “Repeating The Safety Talk monthly is extremely important at least once, since we are all humans and we need to be caution all time; especially for electrical technicians”. Any mistakes most likely may cause serious cost. In my point of view; this monthly talk is absolutely great idea showing that Staffs Careness :-o.

During Tuesday (25/5/2010); after a long period consultation, I’d finally settled mind about one project (*^o^*). This project is under supervision En. Mohd Hazrin Bin Mohd Mokhtar (Assistant Engineer). The project title is Standard of Procedure (SOP) for Maintenance Work. This project objectifies to facilitate the preparation of the reports. En. Mohd Hazrin had discussed with me about the titles and begun with organizing some current appointments in order to visit some substation once again and begun to collect some information which would be helpful and suitable in the title. I wish that I would fulfill on time! (^^:)

During Thursday (25/5/2010); It’s was busy day for the company. It was a seminar talk for the contractors done by TNBD staffs. This seminar was about the work achievements discussion and rewarding some contractor. Furthermore; there was also a happy occasion (^o^) in Mines since there was a bowling game between TNBD and contractors after the speech seminar organized by TNBD.

In the whole general; weeks 7# was a totally different weeks than previous, it was about my Planning activity. This activity doesn’t have much visiting for site. It concentrates about technical paperwork, costing paperwork and costing benefit analysis. In the end, I was assigned to figure out:

1) The cable Rating & Size (Area, Current Rating & Standard Fuse Rating)
2) Transformer Size (capacity KVA).
3) Ring Main Unit (RMU) Types.
4) Feeder Pillar Size (Rating).