Sunday, May 9, 2010

Week #4

Week 4 was an office week since I started to check out what I had been doing during the past four weeks. As a matter of fact, I begun to prepare and settle my weblog for the past four weeks as well as set my pre-report up even though I had just completed training for around four weeks, nevertheless I believed that it was better to begin before anything get accumulated. In this week, I’d also been getting acquainted more with my new friends (^_^). In other word; I started to get along with my new friends’ trainees since we, all trainees, had been shifted into meeting room and it became our courtyard. Therefore; I started to know them even more. Besides; I consulted about some clarifications about maintenance practice from technicians.


During Monday (3/5/2010); it was about Safety Presentation Talk to refresh and remind all staffs the essential of safety work and more importantly; the event was also concentrating about the great complete successfully Achievement Google Building in Cyberjaya. Since Google Building was supplied electricity 33KV with a complete and great protection system (/^o^\). The construction work, in general, had been done mostly during April 2010 and the supplement was begun on Sunday (2/5/2010).

During Wednesday (5/5/2010); it was also another gathering ordered by the General Manager (GM). The meeting was totally different from other. It was particularity for the trainee students. This meeting was only for reminding about discipline, policy, rule and regulation of company (TNBD). Furthermore; The GM had assigned the trainee practical a project. There were a 24 titles and the trainee must to select one and they had to get it done before the trainees ended up their training period and they would be giving acknowledgement and certification for complete project.

Furthermore; I’d been gone to Preventive Routine, this work is little bit similar to the maintaining routine for Substation Denominator Home (Main-substation). This time would on the Electrical Substation (Mini-substation).

1. Vacuum Circuit Breaker (VCB).
Resistance test for the vacuum tank, the mechanism of switch breaker and oil the steel part to avoid Echo
2. Relay Device.
Cable interconnection, test and troubleshoot.
3. Fault display.
Test the Overcurrent Protection and Earth fault.
4. Cleaning.
Wipe SG surface and blowing the dust.

*Here are some general photo about;

During Friday (7/5/2010); it’s a Friday Morning Talk. This ceremony was aiming to reward some staffs and introduced the new incomer trainees and some of new staff. This gather was really impressive since the GM started giving some gifts with certificates acknowledging the work of TNBD staffs. It was truly motivating behavior to encourage not only the other staffs but also the trainees to performance better during work. I wish I could get a opportunity like this before I leave! – In Sha Allah -

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