Sunday, May 2, 2010

Week #3

In this week 3#; it was really the longest week ever that I had never seen in my life (-o-) and there were new three trainees from UTM. They were just only for 10 weeks. They were having the same major like me.

However, third week; I can call it by The TWO-DAY Maintenance for 11kV Switchgear [Right & Left]. The right & left indicate to the Switch gear, transformer and feeder. In revision; the Substation Denominator Home (Main Substation) consists of (2-Switch gear, 2-transformer, 2-feeder) for both 11KV and 33KV. For this reason; the Left side indicate to the Switch gear 1, transformer 1 and feeder 1 and the Right side indicate to the Switch gear 2, transformer 2 and feeder 2.

During past days; I realized that the maintenance procedure could not be done quickly; it actually required more careful and concentration and it also couldn’t be fulfilled by one technician only. For instance; in order to shut down the Switchgear in every Electrical Substation (Mini-Substation) (11KV); we needed two technicians at least; one technician for safety (the one who is responsible for shutting down the switch gear since it is so risky (‘o’)) and the other technician for calling the Control Center to inform about the current situation.

At this moment; I shall tell you a brief description about how maintenance procedure happens (^_^). Maintenance Routine, in the whole general, happens up to the places, dates and times. Sometime this routien happens annually/every eighteen-month/3-month or 3 weeks for the purpose of maintain the machine. So that it can save the company a lot of money (^o^) as a replacement for wasting in buying a new machine (-_-). During my experiences (/^o^\), there were two aspect for maintaining; shut down the Switch gear at Electrical Substation (Mini-substation) and maintaining routine for Substation Denominator Home (Main-substation).

Firstly; shut down the Switch gear at Mini-substation:-

1. Need to have data sheet related to switchgear sequence indicating; no of switch gear, its location & its status.

2. Before shutting down; call to control center to alert about situation.
3. Safety technician is the one responsible for shutting down the switch gear.

Secondly; Maintaining routine for Main-substation:-
1. Vacuum Circuit Breaker (VCB).

• Resistance test for the vacuum tank, the mechanism of switch breaker and oil the steel part to avoid Echo

2. Relay Device. [Pic.]

• Cable interconnection, test and troubleshoot.

3. Fault display.
• Test the Overcurrent Protection and Earth fault.

4. Cleaning.
• Wipe SG surface and blowing the dust.


During Friday (30/4/2010); there were two seminar programs. The 1st one was about the Aerobic program. It was on Morning. The GM, HR, Staff and all trainees were all involved. The program was all about to participate in some exercise to help the participant being healthy as well as to perform some company activity. This activity was really great (`^o^`) and interesting since you could see that the happiness :)) on face of all staffs and they were also having fun together and enjoying their time for some changes.

The 2nd one was for Health Talk Seminar. This seminar was about slides presentation guiding the staff about the type of food, TNDB statistic and Suggestion & Recommendation for health. The talk was useful and interesting. I ’ve even learned about how to keep your health for the purpose of not only to perform the work but also to have longer life. – In Sha Allah -

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