Sunday, May 30, 2010

Week #7

As they always say Plan thing before You Do. Planning is an assessment procedure that minimizes the unexpected consequences. In my opinion; planning is the premium step before initiating anything, however planning without having a prior knowledge is a disastrous since it possibly may cause serious consequences. Fortunately; I’d luckily have experienced some activities such as construction, maintenance and so on, and I’d finally understood how the working duty for each activity. Therefore, here comes the Planning Activity.

Whilst you can observe the above picture, it indicates that planning procedures proceeds after the Supply Application. The supply application activity was already done during the previous weeks with the customer & Services Activity. The main point was the diagram above declaresd to you about the TNBD methodical progression work procedures.


During Monday (24/5/2010); there was a Morning casual safety talk. This talk was to remain the TNB staffs about the essential of the Safety during outside work as usual. As I had noticed that “Repeating The Safety Talk monthly is extremely important at least once, since we are all humans and we need to be caution all time; especially for electrical technicians”. Any mistakes most likely may cause serious cost. In my point of view; this monthly talk is absolutely great idea showing that Staffs Careness :-o.

During Tuesday (25/5/2010); after a long period consultation, I’d finally settled mind about one project (*^o^*). This project is under supervision En. Mohd Hazrin Bin Mohd Mokhtar (Assistant Engineer). The project title is Standard of Procedure (SOP) for Maintenance Work. This project objectifies to facilitate the preparation of the reports. En. Mohd Hazrin had discussed with me about the titles and begun with organizing some current appointments in order to visit some substation once again and begun to collect some information which would be helpful and suitable in the title. I wish that I would fulfill on time! (^^:)

During Thursday (25/5/2010); It’s was busy day for the company. It was a seminar talk for the contractors done by TNBD staffs. This seminar was about the work achievements discussion and rewarding some contractor. Furthermore; there was also a happy occasion (^o^) in Mines since there was a bowling game between TNBD and contractors after the speech seminar organized by TNBD.

In the whole general; weeks 7# was a totally different weeks than previous, it was about my Planning activity. This activity doesn’t have much visiting for site. It concentrates about technical paperwork, costing paperwork and costing benefit analysis. In the end, I was assigned to figure out:

1) The cable Rating & Size (Area, Current Rating & Standard Fuse Rating)
2) Transformer Size (capacity KVA).
3) Ring Main Unit (RMU) Types.
4) Feeder Pillar Size (Rating).

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Week #6

As I’d told earlier that if I had still been alive, I probably would share with you about my stopover in Kedai Tenaga. Before I get started, I shall give you a brief definition about the place since it’s a new place name for some of my friends. Kedai (Shop) Tenaga is an office that supports electricity service to customers where contractors can make a new application/ change of tenant for electricity and Consumers can pay their bills and solve any electricity enquiry such as customer complaint.

During Week #6; I was still having a customer & services activity and I started to go on what I had left off from activities. I was having two remaining activities; Customer Serving and Billing & Account Activity.

1st: Customer Serving (Kedai Putrajaya):-

New Application

A sheet form which the applicant who apply for electricity supply from TNB either developer, consultant engineer, electrical contractor or the tenant at different stages of the Supply Application Process. There two-type of application paper.

a) Application Form (Domestic Supply).

b) Application Form (Business Supply).

Both of forms are like similar but they are different in billing, here is a clear picture for the Domestic Supply form;

Change of Tenant

The replacement consumer uses the same meter fas the previous consumers. The previous Consumer has to notify TNB about the change owing to avoid releasing the bill by the previous consumers’ names. Thus; there are three-type of application form;

a. Application Form (Move In). It is the same paper as new application

b. Application Form (Move Out).

c. Application Form (Move In & Move Out).


There are two types of payment; new application payment & Billing.

• The Application Payment:-

Before install electricity to consumer; the contractor are giving 40 days for paying the deposit. If contractor doesn’t pay within mentioned days, the new application can’t be proceed and if the 40 days period passed, the new application would be disqualified. The main purpose of deposit is to begin work.


The consumer should go to Kedai Tenaga to pay their electricity bill monthly. TNB also provides paying by bank or over online.


Enquiry is an open service to customer giving the opportunity to make suggestions, recommendations or complaints in Kedai Tenaga. For instance; if consumer got any trouble with electricity supply; Customer Enquiry would check the situation and how to handle the problem in proper way. It’s really quite good ideas since TNB can improve their customer service and trying to apply one of the most common Shared Value in TNB plan; Customer First (`^o^`) ; looking to customer satisfaction.

2nd: Billing & Account (Kedai/Site):-

Accounting Software (Using PC)

 Indicate about the address & meters no. of customers.

 Data that can be uploaded to the HHT device for Particular Purposes

Hand Held Terminal (HHT).

 Upload the customer data
 Read the customer address.

 Scanner Meter Bar code Number.
 Type in the power consumption (KW/h) and Bill out.

 Distribute the Bill.

Type of Customer

OPC (Ordinary Power Consumer).
LPC (Large Power Consumer).

Type of Meter

 Electronic Meter.
 Mechanical Meter.

As I went for site with Kedai technicians; I’d seen that each of technicians’ duty was to meteorite approximately 74 customers per day; to scan, read power consumption and bill out. I just wonder that when registering the Power Consumption in KW/h on Hand Hat Computer device (HHC), the printer device on technician Belt would estimate the price directly and print the bill automatically without HHT is being wired. COOL (*o*) Here is a picture about it: -


During Friday (21/5/2010); it was gathering talk for EPE Switchgear (M) Sdn Bhd. This talk made by EPE worker. The purpose of this talk is; to inform and guide TNB staff, particularly the maintenance team technician, about various types of Switchgear with different rated voltage. This talk was slightly different. It looked like as open conservation between the speaker & audiences. Audiences sometime discuss with the speaker about switchgear with various type of protection (VCB, SF6, Oil…). The speaker also recommended about “Maintenance Services” such as:-

• Preventive Maintenance.

• Corrective Maintenance.

• Condition Based Maintenance.

In spite of everything; this week was not much exposing about my engineering Electrical major. It was all about business & Accounting. In contrast; this activity taught me a lot about how essential of the electricity in our life. Particularly; it taught me that “the 21th century people are, indeed, demanding more electricity over and over years, they are not able to live without it which will definitely prove that the electricity company are really having increase in the number of customers as well as the company necessarily needs the protection system for the purpose of keep improving the business and maintenance issue” Besides; although the electricity consumption are increasing more and more; I learnt that “with saving the energy consumption of the electricity; we could use more power as well as reduce the cost of billing”.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Week #5

By stepping down Voltage Twice from Main-Substation 33KV/11KV ---------> 11KV/415V, we shall see the Meter (*o*). I assume that everyone has seen the Meter since it is spread everywhere (Homes, Malls, Universities ect..). For this reason; I’m going to share with you one of the most common electricity equipment that you may see in your life.

During week #5, the activity that I had been through was; Customer & Services activity. This activity was not really simple and it does not have so much going for site but if they do, they just deliver the electricity bills, customer problem, installing meter & interrupt the electricity supply if it requested earlier from customers. In general; Customer, Services & Metering activity are divided into to three criteria; Metering, Billing & Account and Customer Servicing. During week #5; I was going out with technician for Metering (*o*)

Metering Activity:-

A) Installing Meter.

1. Type of Meter
>> Electronic Meter.

Reads more accurate and gives more details about power consumptions in different unit

>> Mechanical Meter.

Read less accurate than Electronic Meter and gives only one unit of power consumptiom.

2. Type of Customer
>> OPC (Ordinary Power Consumer). Customers which consume a low power electricity .

3. Meter conduct 240V

4. Secure the Meter & Fusion.

>>Cut-Out Fuse (R,Y,B,N) locked by Plastic Secure avoiding electricity interruption from consumer

B) Physical Check.

1. Reading and Recording the Power Consumption KW/h.

Measure and check current out to indicate alive cable

2. Type of Customer
>> OPC (Ordinary Power Consumer). Consumers whom has a low cability of consuming electrical power

3. Discuss with customer if complaint occurs.

4. Secure the Meter & Fusion (Mentioned Earlier) .

After all, It was not truly a complicated job but it spent so much time. As I observed that we needed to visit every assigned building to achieve any of those activities mentioned above earlier. Even though this work is not really a hard job nevertheless; it require someone memorize road and address of buildings & houses in such a way to fulfill a complete work simply.


During Thursday (13/5/2010); it was a busy day for the company. Everyone was in rush and there were a meeting then. I had also assigned to Kedai Tenaga technician and I made an appointment that I should come next Monday & Tuesday (17-18/5/2010) to Kedai Tenaga in Putrajaya in such a way to start one of the remaining activities (^_^). Just wait for me; if I have been staying alive next week, I probably would have exposed about it (*o*). –In Sha Allah-

During Friday (14/5/2010), it was also an important gathering. It was remaining the TNBD staff about Cleaning the Desk office since next Monday TNBD shall be visited to check about the office and cleaning. We, all trainees, have also notified that "before we leave, we have to keep the meeting room clear and tidy". Besides; two of my trainee friends named ‘Mohd Azim & Fiera Ismail’ had just done their practical training for six-months :-o . It was really having a great (/^o^\) and enjoyable time with them and it was little bit sad :-( because they left us. I wish them BEST OF LUCK.

At the End; I’d met my host supervisor En.Lokman Bin Yusoff and I asked him about one-title of project (*^o^*). That project was under his direction and He started to give me some information and clarification about the title so that I could see whether I would be able to achieve the project under him or I have to select another title (^^;). I hope that I could fulfill this project! –In Sha Allah-

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Week #4

Week 4 was an office week since I started to check out what I had been doing during the past four weeks. As a matter of fact, I begun to prepare and settle my weblog for the past four weeks as well as set my pre-report up even though I had just completed training for around four weeks, nevertheless I believed that it was better to begin before anything get accumulated. In this week, I’d also been getting acquainted more with my new friends (^_^). In other word; I started to get along with my new friends’ trainees since we, all trainees, had been shifted into meeting room and it became our courtyard. Therefore; I started to know them even more. Besides; I consulted about some clarifications about maintenance practice from technicians.


During Monday (3/5/2010); it was about Safety Presentation Talk to refresh and remind all staffs the essential of safety work and more importantly; the event was also concentrating about the great complete successfully Achievement Google Building in Cyberjaya. Since Google Building was supplied electricity 33KV with a complete and great protection system (/^o^\). The construction work, in general, had been done mostly during April 2010 and the supplement was begun on Sunday (2/5/2010).

During Wednesday (5/5/2010); it was also another gathering ordered by the General Manager (GM). The meeting was totally different from other. It was particularity for the trainee students. This meeting was only for reminding about discipline, policy, rule and regulation of company (TNBD). Furthermore; The GM had assigned the trainee practical a project. There were a 24 titles and the trainee must to select one and they had to get it done before the trainees ended up their training period and they would be giving acknowledgement and certification for complete project.

Furthermore; I’d been gone to Preventive Routine, this work is little bit similar to the maintaining routine for Substation Denominator Home (Main-substation). This time would on the Electrical Substation (Mini-substation).

1. Vacuum Circuit Breaker (VCB).
Resistance test for the vacuum tank, the mechanism of switch breaker and oil the steel part to avoid Echo
2. Relay Device.
Cable interconnection, test and troubleshoot.
3. Fault display.
Test the Overcurrent Protection and Earth fault.
4. Cleaning.
Wipe SG surface and blowing the dust.

*Here are some general photo about;

During Friday (7/5/2010); it’s a Friday Morning Talk. This ceremony was aiming to reward some staffs and introduced the new incomer trainees and some of new staff. This gather was really impressive since the GM started giving some gifts with certificates acknowledging the work of TNBD staffs. It was truly motivating behavior to encourage not only the other staffs but also the trainees to performance better during work. I wish I could get a opportunity like this before I leave! – In Sha Allah -

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Week #3

In this week 3#; it was really the longest week ever that I had never seen in my life (-o-) and there were new three trainees from UTM. They were just only for 10 weeks. They were having the same major like me.

However, third week; I can call it by The TWO-DAY Maintenance for 11kV Switchgear [Right & Left]. The right & left indicate to the Switch gear, transformer and feeder. In revision; the Substation Denominator Home (Main Substation) consists of (2-Switch gear, 2-transformer, 2-feeder) for both 11KV and 33KV. For this reason; the Left side indicate to the Switch gear 1, transformer 1 and feeder 1 and the Right side indicate to the Switch gear 2, transformer 2 and feeder 2.

During past days; I realized that the maintenance procedure could not be done quickly; it actually required more careful and concentration and it also couldn’t be fulfilled by one technician only. For instance; in order to shut down the Switchgear in every Electrical Substation (Mini-Substation) (11KV); we needed two technicians at least; one technician for safety (the one who is responsible for shutting down the switch gear since it is so risky (‘o’)) and the other technician for calling the Control Center to inform about the current situation.

At this moment; I shall tell you a brief description about how maintenance procedure happens (^_^). Maintenance Routine, in the whole general, happens up to the places, dates and times. Sometime this routien happens annually/every eighteen-month/3-month or 3 weeks for the purpose of maintain the machine. So that it can save the company a lot of money (^o^) as a replacement for wasting in buying a new machine (-_-). During my experiences (/^o^\), there were two aspect for maintaining; shut down the Switch gear at Electrical Substation (Mini-substation) and maintaining routine for Substation Denominator Home (Main-substation).

Firstly; shut down the Switch gear at Mini-substation:-

1. Need to have data sheet related to switchgear sequence indicating; no of switch gear, its location & its status.

2. Before shutting down; call to control center to alert about situation.
3. Safety technician is the one responsible for shutting down the switch gear.

Secondly; Maintaining routine for Main-substation:-
1. Vacuum Circuit Breaker (VCB).

• Resistance test for the vacuum tank, the mechanism of switch breaker and oil the steel part to avoid Echo

2. Relay Device. [Pic.]

• Cable interconnection, test and troubleshoot.

3. Fault display.
• Test the Overcurrent Protection and Earth fault.

4. Cleaning.
• Wipe SG surface and blowing the dust.


During Friday (30/4/2010); there were two seminar programs. The 1st one was about the Aerobic program. It was on Morning. The GM, HR, Staff and all trainees were all involved. The program was all about to participate in some exercise to help the participant being healthy as well as to perform some company activity. This activity was really great (`^o^`) and interesting since you could see that the happiness :)) on face of all staffs and they were also having fun together and enjoying their time for some changes.

The 2nd one was for Health Talk Seminar. This seminar was about slides presentation guiding the staff about the type of food, TNDB statistic and Suggestion & Recommendation for health. The talk was useful and interesting. I ’ve even learned about how to keep your health for the purpose of not only to perform the work but also to have longer life. – In Sha Allah -